Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine January 2019
government is to protect the health and safety of its citizens when it is the most effective way to do so. I listened to one very sincere representative speak passionately and convincingly about his belief in consumer economic freedom. I respect him and his position even if I don’t go quite as far as he does. I hope that those legislators understand that this is not personal between them and me. It is not. Regretfully, sometimes people with opposing passionate beliefs can misconstrue the intent of the other person. Let’s look at the concept of consumer economic freedom as I understand that legislator’s position. It is the idea that a person should be able to buy whatever he or she wants from whomever they wish. I like the surface of the argument. I don’t want anyone telling me what to do with my money. On the other hand, that perspective accepts that there are some occupations that need to be licensed and regulated; i.e., doctors, pharmacists, many medically related occupations. So the discussion isn’t whether there should be no licensing or regulation but WHICH ONES. So why do most agree that doctors need to be licensed? There is an obvious ability to do harm in that profession. An opportunity to do
great benefit but, yes, the opportunity to do great harm. It just makes sense that a person desiring to be a medical doctor should be well trained, licensed, regulated, insured, and participate in continuing education. The Institute for Justice is promoting a bill that would allow some occupations to operate without a license as long as the consumer signed a disclosure statement recognizing that the tradesperson was not licensed. I don’t think they would have this concept extend to medical doctors. Again, due to the obvious potential for harm. For the same reason, I believe that the HVACR industry should be licensed, regulated, insured, and participate in continuing education. The HVACR industry may seem like good ole’ boys that couldn’t make it in college; but, that is far from the case. By the way, I throw that in because I have had more than one high school counselor suggest just that. OK, back on the subject. Why should an “A” or “B” licensee be required to have continuing education? Because our industry is constantly changing. Not just in the boxes we sell, but in the degree of potential harm we can cause. We have transitioned from butane space heaters to 90+ furnaces. Those changes brought about the need to
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