Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine January 2021
o These phases have been based on initial ACIP recommendations. Phases 1-B and 1-C are subject to change depending on further ACIP recommendations and vaccine supply. Additional phases will be recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunizations Practices of the CDC as vaccine is available. So, here we are in a new year with a new president, a new vaccine, and a new opportunity to serve our communities with an essential service. In a year we’ll be celebrating 2021 and the advent of 2022. We’ll be in the throws of an off year election which has already begun, at least for governor. You may or may not be happy with this past, yes, past election. As businesses, we have an opportunity to rethink our priorities and set new goals. Most contractors have survived — many have done quite well in 2020. As owners, you must decide what you want for your future as well as the future of your employees. If you are happy with what you have, then be at peace and continue. If you want more, then you must spend some money, learn a lot, and implement a plan that will take you to your desired goal. For the business owner, knowing and running the business must be first priority. If you don’t know it all, get some help. Excuse the grammar but “It ain’t cheap.” For the technical side if you don’t know it all, get some help. Again, it “ain’t cheap”. Not just in money but
in time. Truth is, we’ll never know it all so we all have to invest in ourselves and our futures with training and discipline. 1) Attend every class your distributor or manufacturer offers. 2) Find a business consultant to help you balance your business and your balance sheet. 3) Participate in the Association. Make your voice heard and share your success and learn from your business colleagues in your area. 4) Connect with your state representatives and senators. They want to hear from you and you need for them to hear from you. 5) Accept that the local and state inspector is your best partner. You are on the same team in service to your customer. 6) Be part of the local college advisory board. Help them help you by directing and supporting their efforts to train techs. 7) Realize that a workman is worthy of his hire and that production is the ultimate responsibility of management. Raise the bar so they have something to shoot for and make the reward worth the effort. If Trump, with all the resistance, can push Operation Warp Speed to the successful roll out of a vaccine and hopefully the return of normalcy, surely we can sail our ship into challenging waters of our future. We are the captain of our ship. What you see ahead is port. Sail on, my friends. Sail on.
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