Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine March 2019
The Association believes that a homeowner should be able to trust that their HVAC dealer is making an attempt to stay current on technology and code so they, the dealer, can deliver the system and installation that the homeowner was promised. 2. HB1060 helps HVAC Dealers Most HVAC dealers spent time learning about new technology and code. It is to their benefit because they can design and install systems that do a better job of meeting the homeowner’s needs. Both the homeowner and the dealer win. However; not all dealers want to go to classes regardless of how helpful or how familiar the site. That’s right, “familiar”. Most of these classes are offered by and held in the stores of distributors from whom the dealer purchases their equipment and supplies. It is not like they are going to English class in high school. So when the dealer doesn’t stay current and attempts to install unfamiliar equipment in a home with unfamiliar building materials and processes, it is easy to make mistakes. Old Defaults, that once worked, don’t work any more. 500 sq ft per ton and beer can cold is a recipe for disaster; i.e., carbon monoxide poisoning, super high humidity leading to mold and mildew, inadequate ventilation aggravating respiratory illnesses.
The dealer with inadequate information is a “good guy”. He doesn’t wake up meaning to harm.
The dealer that doesn’t stay current
Doesn’t Know What He Doesn’t Know
He just doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. After all, who does? The result is that when the system doesn’t work correctly, it costs him money to go back to try to fix it— again and again and again. Eventually, he runs out of money, patience, and time. He must go on to the next job so he can pay the rent. Now he avoids the job and leaves the customer hanging.
So the dealer • looses money,
• looses reputation, • looses self-respect.
His business remains unprofitable, and only
survives by not providing his customers what they paid for. You see the dealer gets at least 50% down and usually gets the rest before the system has the opportunity to prove it works. Yes, the homeowner looses but so does the dealer. He started out as a good guy but looses that somewhere along the way.
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