Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine March 2020
S tate, National, Chapter News Tech News
• Measuring amperage on the heater circuit to see if it is working (electrical diagnosis) • Looking at the diagram again and finding a limit inline (diagram Reading) • Finding the high limit failed open (electrical diagnosis)
ensure it’s going to get to and maintain temperature. In refrigeration, especially small refrigeration like this you need to think about – • Coil cleanliness (Condenser & evaporator) • Fan and compressor operation (is everything running when it should and going off when it should) • Defrost type and function (is it coming in and out of defrost) • Product and boxes aren’t in the way of proper condenser or evap airflow • Door seals are in good shape • Door fits properly and hinges aren’t bent or damaged • Box achieves and maintains the proper temperature for the product contained within Of course, there is a time to connect gauges or probes and refrigeration is no exception, but the best techs use their senses first, knowledge of the equipment or reading second and their tools only once they know exactly what they are looking for.
In addition to these efficient diagnosis skills, Chris was thinking about –
• Proper authorization for repair (getting approval before defrost) • Protecting the equipment and workspace (covering the control with a bag) • Noting and quoting other repairs needed for optimum performance (condenser coil cleaning, door seal) These additional diagnosis items for optimum performance took no additional time and will result in a more profitable repair ticket and a piece of equipment that will run better, with lower power consumption and less likelihood of an expensive callback. You will notice that his first instinct wasn’t to hook up gauges or use fancy tools. In this case, he really didn’t need them and it would have only wasted time. When he returns he will make the repairs and observe temperatures only to gauge the progress of the machine to
Great job Chris! and I would suggest subscribing to his channel HERE
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