Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine May 2019
S tate, National, Chapter News State national Chapter News
• Basic classes on blower door and duct blaster use are being planned. • Bob Gee will provide sales, management, and building your business training. Perhaps the most promising element will be the quality of our speakers for Chapter meetings. Distributors are joining with the Association to bring in manufacturer’s reps and techs to speak. They have the closest contact to the manufacturers and know what the newest opportunities and concerns may be. We have been very fortunate to have great speakers this past year and look forward to seeing that quality continues for all the meetings. Finally, to our 2018 & 2019 partners that furnished training facilities for the classes, we give our deepest thanks. We are truly grateful. You and the Energy Office, made these classes possible.
T raining, The Future and Partners
The Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 training cycle has been a great success for the the industry
and the Association. In corporation with the Arkansas Energy Office, the Arkansas HVACR Association conducted 20 classes across the state. We depend on help from the Energy Office and the donation of a meeting location by our training partners to make the classes possible. All the classes used Right Suite Universal from Wrightsoft, an ACCA certified design software supplier. The Manual J classes only cost the student $350 if they needed to purchase a subscription to the software or $50 if they already had the software. Either way, the student was given a calculator and an architectural ruler. Manual D classes cost the student $110 which included a $95 manual and a $56 ACCA Duct Calculator. What a buy—What a buy. Again, these low prices were only possible due to the Arkansas Energy Office and the partners providing facilities. The future of training for the Arkansas HVACR industry looks good. Beginning the fall 2019, • Most Association classes will qualify for NATE continuing education credit. • We are looking to ACCA QTech to provide quality installation training.
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