Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine May 2021
HVACR NewsMagazine May 2021
Tech News
Our industry does employ the use of acceptable ranges for delivery of conditioned air. This is due to the fact that air density, temperature, and humidity all affect the ability of mechanical equipment to move and convey air within a structure. In this first of a five-part series, we will look at air flow through equipment to understand the importance of proper set up and installation. Perhaps by understanding the application of geometry and laws of physics at the chassis level or framework of an air handler or furnace, we realize that we must find solutions for field installed equipment as the manufacturer has no idea what limitations are going to be provided at installation. As a matter of fact, equipment testing by the manufacturer is generally done in clean rooms, with no filter installed. As a first point, cfm and velocity are required relational measurements. Volume, (cfm) and speed, (velocity) of air is dependent upon the area they are confined in. As a matter of physics, manufactures have a specific volume and speed that must be delivered across the heat exchanger and or the evaporator. By understanding what’s happening to air as it enters and exits the furnace or air handler, we see why following manufacturers required fan settings is imperative and not a recommendation . The chart below will relate what is happening to the air as it courses through the furnace or air handler. As indicated, we should never install systems with only a single one-inch filter. A practical recommendation is to utilize a minimum
Part One of Five - Air Flow Through the Air Handler or Furnace Tom Turner, Air Evangelist It is said that mathematics is a universal language. Folks around the world employed in the field of engineering, understand the foundation for mathematics give the ability to solve for problems in a universal manner. There may be several ways to utilize mathematic formulas to solve for the same problem however, mathematics are absolute truth and foundational for all science. Just as we have several manufacturers of the Covid-19 vaccine using differing processes to build solutions for application, the result or mechanics of the vaccine work the same way. One minor deviation at a molecular level and the solution fails to give the required results. In the field of air conditioning, I see the wonder and truth of absolutes in mathematics daily and at the same time fail to understand why the general population of owners, managers and, most importantly, technicians do not understand HVAC performance is related to the foundational truth of mathematics. In other words, there are no short cuts . A system performs or it is inefficient. Where inefficiency exists, more power is consumed, equipment life is shortened, and comfort is unobtainable. Yes, the system may operate; however, all the engineering employed to develop the apparatus is of little value. Our job is to maximize what the factory offers.
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