Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine May 2021

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We then allowed the system to run continuously for another 20 minutes to ensure the coil is completely dry while confirming by measuring condenser air dew point entering and leaving. Retake

and the compressor amperage dropped. It became clear after the cleaning that the system was slightly low on refrigerant because it maintained a stable 31° superheat.

the same measurements and compare the results.

The system performed significantly better in terms of decreased wattage and increased BTU removal after the cleaning. After this test was complete we added 9 oz of R-22 to achieve the factory required superheat. Following the adjustment, the EER and total system capacity improved even further. This illustrates that cleaning this condenser indisputably improved –

Cleaning Method

Coil.Jet using Refrigeration Technologies Viper cleaner and he rinsing working from inside out. Results The before results showed clearly that the head pressure and liquid line temperature were both high with a low subcooling and superheat. The measured system performance was poor even though the evaporator coil, air filter and blower wheel were quite clean considering the age of the system. After cleaning the head pressure and suction pressure dropped, the subcooling and superheat increased

System Capacity

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Compressor Longevity

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