Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine May 2023
HVACR NewsMagazine March2023
Tech News
furnace drive with anywhere from 40,000 to 90,0 00 btu of heat capacity. You don’t have that option with a heat pump. We have witnessed 5-ton heat pumps that struggle with 1,400 square feet due to excessive use of glass in central Texas. It is also worth remembering capacity takes a hit with straight cooling systems every time SEER goes up on a piece of equipment. Never assume top of the line equipment will have the capacity of a builder model. Most of the time single or two stage equipment will have better overall performance under full load. Most importantly, we must investigate performance on individual pieces of equipment, as each matchup is very different from the next. With all the innovation about to hit the markets for heating and cooling, it is important not to get caught up in all the newest technology, since about two thirds of new technology goes nowhere. We need to recall, most new technology, is a rediscovery of explored technology, rewrapped with a different message. We are already witnessing old technology called something new, whether new insulation methods, new construction products, or innovative high velocity duct systems. Some new products have building envelope requirements (devil is in the details) that are seldom achieved in the production
housing market. The HVAC trade is one that depends upon the builder to deliver construction methods that all too often fall short of expectations, leaving the HVAC contractor holding the bag. As contractors, we owe customers a straight answer on all delivered technology and the drawbacks that are associated with what we sell. Sadly, many products we peddle are never fully understood until the consumer notifies us of its short comings. Do not act on rumors or get out ahead of the programs that will be forthcoming. Begin to formulate a plan that keeps in mind, your plans are dependent upon your state energy and local authorities plans. Do not commit to promises someone else has to act upon. There will be significant amounts of moneys to work with. In many cases some jurisdictions with processes in place to move funding along, will be asked to take additional funding in two to three years out. Regardless of political positioning, the latest round for electrification will be slow due to necessary infrastructure updates, processes to be positioned and a workforce that is ready to get the work done. Hopefully our industry will achieve results this time around.
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