Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine November 2020
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license of record for company “A” and another license for company “B”. It co st the full license fee for each license. Two licenses: two fees. Superficially, the only person loosing in this scenario is the person paying for two licenses. Oh, contrar. Over time, it morphed into a person with multiple licensees using them as a shield against having their license revoked. Screw up with one company and license. No matter, you had another to work under. Labor and licensing saw the problem and stopped the practice of having multiple licenses. Now — one person, one license. Whatever you do under the license in any company is trackable and the licensee of record is responsible for following code in both companies. So, what is the benefit to good contractors with multiple companies? • The licensee only has to pay for one license • The consumer benefits because the licensee understands their responsibility and workmanship in one company links to the responsibility and workmanship in another. Loose your license for bad work in one company, you loose the ability to do work in the other as well. You are probably wondering how the multiple license idea ever got started. No one knows. The thing we do know is that the practice of multiple licenses is over. One person, one license. There
never was any benefit to the legitimate contractor / licensee or the consumer. Many of you have already received notice from the Department of Labor and License that the old practice is over and that you will no longer be able to carry multiple licenses. Just contact the HVACR program at (501) 682-9201 and have one of your licenses be the “license of record” for each of your companies. You’ll save money and it will help eliminate the unscrupulous from taking advantage of Arkansas consumers. It will also build professionalism in our industry.
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