Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine November 2020
S tate, National, Chapter News Education News
• Want to start an in-house training program for your techs? • Want to add substance and training material that your techs can use anytime? • Want training that is affordable? • Want training that is easily accessible? The ESCO Group rolled out the newest addition to their training material intended for schools, companies, and techs that want to improve their knowledge and move up in their career. You may know ESCO as the premier provider of EPA 608 training but they have come a long way and their work in education is now unsurpassed for individual or organized--classroom education. Many college programs have adopted their accreditation program but ESCO also makes a plethora of educational materials available for everyone — at affordable pricing. So what is available? Recorded Webinars — Free Danfoss: Expansion Device Characteristics, Part 1 & 2 Preparing Tomorrow’ W orkforce for Flammable Refrigerants Honeywell: Fundamentals of Refrigeraton
Welcome to the ESCO Institute elearning center, the ESCO Learning Network (ELN). Here you can access
digital curriculum, immersive learning, streaming videos,
Environmental Regulations Choosing a Refrigerant Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle Thermodynamic Properties Refrigerant Resources Retrofitting HCFCs and HFCs Environmental Systems Solutions Mechanical Codes Compressor Capacity Refrigeration Design Fundamentals ESCO Courses — Affordable Fee Brazing and Soldering 38 Lessons, $32.95 Refrigeration Cycle, Refrigerants, and Components Training 136 Lessons, $19.95 Basic Refrigeraton and Charging Procedures 59 Lessons, $29.95 specific aspect of what the average HVACR service technician is likely to encounter in the field. ELN webinars, industry news and the work bench series, a compilation of short, concise videos targeting
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