Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine November 2020
virtually nothing and have made a great living for their family. I ’ ve always believed that every high school senior should take a their senior trip to a third world country to serve for at least a week. If they did, they ’ d return grateful to their country, their parents, and their God that they were born in this amazing country. We are not here because we are good, but we have an opportunity to be even better because we are here. I have a few wishes for this season of Thanksgiving and politics. I wish that we could converse or even debate our political opinions with thoughtfulness, reason, and logic. I wish that anger could give way for the appreciation that all can voice an opinion in an America which champions “freedom of spee ch. ” I wish that all zones were “safe zones” where everyone could feel free to express themselves and give the other a handshake and perhaps agree to disagree. I wish that families could enjoy their Thanksgiving without the afternoon breaking out into a family fight over politics. I wish that wanting our country to be better could be expressed without hatred and violence. Regardless of your preference for president, you must vote. I would never, as Executive Director of the Association, tell you who to vote for. I would ask that each company owner allow for their employees to take time off to vote. We owe it to this country to facilitate voting. The job can wait another day but we only have one day to vote--if you haven ’ t used the opportunity to vote early.
Yes, I am passionate about my candidate but am more grateful for my country and my family. Whether I am happy or frustrated over the results of the election, I will accept the results, go on with my life, and work for the best of my family and my friends — my country. For several months I have received from 1 to 4 emails each day telling me that the other party is trying to steal the election. Now, I hear a constant drumbeat telling me that the transfer of power from one president to another may be in jeopardy. Frankly, I don ’ t believe either one. America is greater than Trump or Biden, Republicans or Democrats. America is the people that believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. America is the good people that only want go to work, make a living, love their family, and be helpful to their neighbors. They want to worship their God and have a little time left over for play. They want their children to have a better life. They want to have opportunities. They want to be respected for their character. They want to follow the Golden Rule of “ Doing Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You. ” They respect authority, the police, and the military. They don ’ t like getting stopped by the police but understand that is what happens when you speed. It is the right thing. We just don ’ t like getting caught. I am asking you to vote and to appreciate the opportunity. I am asking you to support our country regardless of the outcome. I am asking that you serve others by doing a good job at whatever your job is. AND--May God Bless America and you.
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