Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine November 2024

HVACR NewsMagazine November 2024

They complained that the automobile would put poor livery stables and blacksmiths out of business. Well, I think mechanics and car dealers have taken those jobs as well as the many more that are required to produce the products that make a car—regardless of its method of propulsion. We will find a way to “save our planet”. In time, cars deposed the horse drawn wagon but it wasn’t overnight; but, the streets are cleaner. Workhorses were in use in New York to some degree until the 40s. In fact, they were an integral part of the army in WWI. Transition implies movement but not necessarily spastic change. It is amazing how ubiquitous cell phones are today; but remember, in the late 80s very few people had a cell phone and it was not convenient. Today children and many under privileged families have cell phones. Even though it has taken 30 years, that is an example of an overnight transition. We don’t have to abandon fossil fuel vehicles and appliances and methods of producing electricity by tomorrow. Nor do we need to stick our head in the sand as though if we don’t talk about it the problem will go away. I resent some folks telling we southerners that we may need to get accustomed to reducing air conditioning because the planet cannot continue if we are comfortable. It is air conditioning that has made the south the economic powerhouse that it is today. We do need to endorse higher efficiency air conditioners and heat pumps.

Families cannot afford the projected increases in utilities. Of course, the government is driving the price of high efficiency through the roof by the changing of standards and introduction of A2L refrigerants. They are trying to help make the change with rebates and tax deductions but even so the prices are astronomical. Our industry is called on to change our ways and products to protect the environment. That is fine as long as it is still affordable for the consumer and at a pace the market can afford. My conclusion is this. Working together we can maintain and increase American prosperity and protect the environment. We don’t need to be so passionate about our perceptions of climate change that we totally abandon fossil fuels. We don’t have to turn off street lights or have the power reduced during peak demand nor do we need to fail to protect the environment. With either of those, No One Wins. (1) Hannah Ritchie (2024) - “What share of global CO₂ emissions come from aviation?” Published online at Retrieved from: ' - aviation - emissions' [Online Resource] 2) 80%2C%20average%20global%20temperatures,7.2%20degrees%20Fahr enheit)%20by%202100. (3) content/uploads/2020/05/Climate_of_Arkansas_maybe_from_2014.pdf (4) - earth/10 - surprising -things-that are- made - from petroleum#:~:text=Oil%2C%20the%20ubiquitous%20fossil%20fuel,more %20than%206%2C000%20everyday%20products. (5) -can-the- grid handle - evs yes/#:~:text=Since%20the%20FHWA%20expects%20driving,compared% 20to%20current%20electricity%20demand. (6) -the- ev - boom - could - put -a major -strain-on- our - power - grid.html

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