Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine September 2019

S tate, National, Chapter News Tech News

• Reversing valve bypassing • Discharge line restriction

This is an incomplete list designed to help you. Always keep your eyes and ears open for other possibilities. Diagnosis is an art as well as a science. The MeasureQuick app is a great free app that can help you in making a complete diagnosis using these 5 pillars and more. Article was originally printed in HVAC School For Techs by Techs. Bryan Orr offers a daily article on a plethora of issues that are important to our industry. You can find him at The link for this article is residential-ac-refrigerant-circuit- diagnosis/?utm_source=TechTips&utm_campai gn=8f95c138e0- RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email& utm_term=0_608fe06f1d-8f95c138e0- 64230413

The average closing rate for Salespeople selling residential HVAC equipment is in the range of 35% to 45%. Yet, some salespeople exceed 70%. Why the difference? The more successful salespeople sell comfort…not equipment. They don’t just quote prices. They solve problems and fill customer’s needs. They understand that price is only one part of the customer’s decision-making process. They listen more than they talk. They understand the importance of establishing trust & credibility. (Bob Gee)

40% 45


Attend The Bob Gee “Selling Comfort Is Easy” Workshop

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