Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine September 2020
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This ADH guidance is in line with the CDC’s recent guidelines. The CDC recently announced that a test- based strategy is no longer recommended to determine when to return employees to work. The CDC now recommends using a symptom- based strategy. It’s a bit confusing so let’s create a Jerry & Jennie scenario.
On Wednesday, Jennie develops COVID-19 symptoms.
On Thursday, she is tested positive.
The ADH states that anyone (1.) within 6 feet of Jennie for (2.) 15 minutes (3.) within 48 hours of onset of her symptoms or positive test must SELF- QUARANTINE.
On Tuesday, Jerry & Jennie have a conversation and they are less than 6 feet apart
Jerry says, “I wore a mask.” Sorry, Jerry.
• This new guidance requires a self- quarantine even if Jerry wore a mask. • It also requires the self-quarantine even if Jerry took a test and tested negative. • This self-quarantine applies to anyone who was within 6 feet of Jennie for 15 minutes beginning Monday (48 hours before she showed symptoms or was tested positive. Jerry must self-quarantine for 14 days; however, if he may return to normal activities if-- (i) at least 10 day have passed since symptom onset; (ii) at least 24 hours have passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications; and (iii) other symptoms have improved.
Less than 6 feet
The conversation lasts 15 minutes
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