Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine September 2022

HVACR NewsMagazine September 2022



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I’ve heard many Legacy (a nice way of saying old) contractors complain about all the changes in equipment, supply shortages, refrigerant, and now CE (Continuing Education). Well, it is true that “things they are a changing” and it may be better for some in our industry to sell or turn it over to a relative or to their employees. We can’t work for ever . I realize that almost every day with the Association. We can’t last forever. On the other hand, what would make us quit. I understand if you’re 70 an d still crawling under houses and not so gingerly walking the ceiling joists. But if you are fortunate to be in management, sales or doing on the ground service, why not keep working if that is what you want to do? Ya’ gotta do something. I hear some say that they just can’t keep up with all the technical changes. Understand. We don’t draw our six shooter as fast as we did in the past; but, your wisdom puts you far ahead of a “full of --- and vinegar” young person with limited experience. Truth is, you have always been much smarter than you gave yourself credit. The HVAC industry may be one of the most challenging careers

around and you have made it to this point in your life. The industry would loose too much for you to cut out before your time. So, what about this continuing education requirement. No Big Deal. You only have to spend 4 hours in a class that has been approved by the Department of Labor and Licensing. Done! What is the class / classes? Can be a bunch of stuff. 2 hours technical and 2 hours code. The technical may be your distributor giving a class on their equipment. The code could be someone teaching a very short two-hour class on some segment of code. Again, NO Big Deal. You’ll find that it makes your job easier because you’ll have a better understanding of the equipment and how to comply with the local code officials. Eazy Peazy!! The Association rolls out Continuing Education EXPOs this fall. 9 all together. The format is great. Noon-we eat and greet. 1 to 3 we have technical break out

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