Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine January 2024

HVACR NewsMagazine January 2024

Tech News

35 pint capacity for 1750 sq ft home

Whole house dehumidifiers have capacities generally above 70 pints and are permanently fixed inside or out of the envelope with duct that can provide both intake and distribution. When purchasing dehumidifiers, we need to understand capacity measurement and how the testing is done. Just as adjusted capacity influences real time HVAC performance, the pint capacity on the box can mean little in the real world. New energy conservation standards for dehumidifiers took effect in June 2019. These standards are based on Integrated Energy Factor (IEF), that replaces Energy Factor (EF). The EF method did not look a ghost loads or loads the humidifier consumed when the appliance was off. The IEF includes the energy when cycled off. In June 2019, new dehumidifiers are rated with an IEF value based on a new test criterion at 65°F, rather than 80°F, to capture performance in a basement setting. This 15°F reduction in testing temperature means that a dehumidifier tested to the new procedure will likely report a smaller capacity than when tested to the old procedure. Since approximately two thirds of the country have no basements, you must do your homework if you desire a correct capacity for the space you are fitting the appliance in. In warmer or down right hot areas of the country, we need

With this knowledge in hand, we move to address latent loads with alternative equipment; but before we go the local big box store, there are points to think about. The first is to understand the different capacities that might match the load. Portable dehumidifiers are defined as those with capacities at or below 90 pints and stand alone in the space. On portable units, waste humidity is collected in a internal bucket to be dumped manually. Some portable duhumidifiers have pumps to move waste to a tub, sink, or lavatory drain. When we address excess humidity as waste, we can note the water removed from the process is distilled water and is perfect for watering plants. Before you set humidity control aside as a option, we need to remember high humidities encourage offgassing of VOC’s. Just a few short years ago it was discovered that lower humidities prevent offgassing; but, that is an entirely different Indoor Air Quality conversation for the future. For more information on this point please review the article here. Humidity and Off-Gassing - IAQ.Works

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