Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine January 2024
HVACR NewsMagazine January 2024
the sun come up but we can give a full day’s work for a full day’s pay. We can’t change much of what goes in with the Department of Energy, the Arkansas Energy Office, or the Governor’s Office; however we can give them our calm reasoned advice and support them and our state regardless of the decision. Our prime focus is providing for our families and living a life that is helpful to others. We’ll focus on doing our best for our customers and our fellow workers-- employers, employees and fellow workers. Ya ’ know, when you think about it, 2024 is full of challenges but we will greet them as opportunities. So glad to be part of this industry.
Flex to the Future The Stone Age did not end because we ran out of stones and the car did not replace horses because we ran out of blacksmiths. Did you know that in 1894 New York city had over 100,000 horses which produced over 2.5 million pounds of manure and 25,000 gallons of urine EACH DAY. Every generation is charged with a challenge to meet the needs of the time and the result can be better. In the case of New York’s problem, much better. In the same way that blacksmiths had to evolve into other industries, we in the HVACR industry have to be flexible. Those that cannot flex, break. So get your exercise shorts on and flex to the future.
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