Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine March 2019
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contact you. I appreciate their help. After all, everyone is super busy. Without their help, I would not have known where to start. However, I am none the less committed to the issue of all heating and air conditioning dealers staying current with technology and code so they can provide safe and effective design and installation of systems. I am committed to HB1060 and hope that you are too. Thank you for taking time to consider my request. I wish you the best in this legislative session. The email your representative and senator will receive from you and your employees follows: As an HVACR professional, I support House Bill (HB) 1060, which would require four hours of continuing education to maintain an "A" and "B" HVACR licenses. This is important because our industry recognizes that many contractors and technicians are not installing equipment properly. HB 1060 would help address this problem by ensuring that all HVACR contractors and technicians can meet the qualifications necessary to install HVACR systems safely and according to code. Additionally, this legislation will help maintain professionalism in the HVACR industry. Continuing education programs help support contractor excellence and provide assurances that contractors are trained on the latest technology and design requirements, helping them address safety issues, excessive humidity, mold and mildew problems, and essential
a civic minded company whose goal is to serve them as well as protect the entire community. The link they use is like the one for Facebook and Twitter. Again, we worked with the Air Conditioning Contractors of America, ACCA, to make this easy and effective. Customer Support Link to Contact Your Legislators Support HB1060 Continuing Education To make sure your Facebook, Twitter, and customers know what you are asking them to do, the email from them to their legislators follows: Email from your Facebook, Twitter and customers to their legislators… Like you, I depend on heating and air conditioning systems to keep me comfortable in my home. I want to be comfortable, but I also want to be safe and for the system to work efficiently. HB1060 will assure me and my family and friends that heating and air conditioning dealers stay current, know what they are doing, and are protecting my home and my family when they sell me a system to keep me comfortable. Four hours of continuing education is a very small thing to ask of someone that wants to be in business. Please protect my family and my home by supporting HB1060 . I assume that you will get several of these emails that look alike. That is because our heating and air conditioning dealer made it simple for us to
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