Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine March 2019
S tate, National, Chapter News State national Chapter News
comfort. Every elected official and every constituent uses heating and cooling systems in their homes and offices. HB1060 assures all of us that our system will be designed and installed to perform safely and efficiently. The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA), the Arkansas HVACR Association (ARHVACR), and the national distributor association, Heating, Air-conditioning, and Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI), all support this legislation. Please support HB 1060 and quality HVAC contracting practices by ensuring that we maintain professionalism in the industry. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you. If you need more information on how to contact your legislator, contact the Association office at 501-487-8655. Only the efforts of the entire industry can help pass this important piece of legislation. We need your help. Finally, you may be a consumer, read this article and feel that you don’t have a “dog in the fight.” Truth is you do. If you use heating and air conditioning, if your family and friends use heating and air conditioning, HB1060 is about you. It is about making your home safe and comfortable and your equipment work efficiently and to capacity. The EPA estimates that you loose over 20% of all that you pay in heating and cooling in poorly installed ductwork alone. The numbers are even higher when you
consider equipment installed that does not work to its manufacturer stated capacity. It is not an easy thing to do but a dealer current in technology and code will do a much better job and you will have save money. Think about how much 20+% of your heating and cooling bill is over a 10, 20, or 30 year period. That is how much you might save. Is it too much to ask “A” and “B” licensees to spend 4 hours per YEAR, keeping up with current technology and code. Why “A” and “B” licensees? Because they are the ones that design and oversee the installation of very home heating and cooling system in Arkansas. They owe it to you. They owe it to themselves. Supporting HB1060 : Continuing Education for HVACR Professionals and Arkansas Homeowners
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