Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine March 2024

HVACR NewsMagazine March 2024

Tech News

In the end I am cautiously optimistic that folks will wake up to the reality that Heat Pumps are much more efficient and far more dependable than those of the 1990’s. The last time, of the previous three attempts (1958, 1978, early 1990’s) to electrify the country, we installed thousands of heat pumps that left buyer’s remorse at top of the list pushing heat pump sales numbers down for years to come. If we disregard the home structure, we will make the same mistake we made three decades ago, failing to provide comfort and lower costs. It is unfathomable that so many believe heat pumps will replace any and all types of heating, while reducing the load on an already over-loaded infrastructure. The buck will stop at the installing contractor. Are you ready for reduced revenue, continual complaints, unhappy, uncomfortable customers? If not, get to know the leakage characteristics of every home you work on and then act accordingly.

The Arkansas HVACR Association does not endorse a candidate for any office. We have friends in office that we appreciate and wish we could support but that is not permissible. We trust that our members will study the issues and vote their conscience. Both sides believe that this is a pivotal election. If that is true, then your vote is pivotal. That means your vote counts more now than any time in the past. Exercise your privilege and responsibility — VOTE!

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