Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine March 2024
HVACR NewsMagazine March 2024
Tech News
installing exhaust ventilation and combustion appliances, which may backdraft under the right conditions. No other industry is required to understand air pressure and flow quite like HVAC, and there are quite a few comfort, health, and safety considerations that come with manipulating air pressure and flow. Knowing the various ventilation strategies will give you a leg-up when it comes to mitigating comfort, health, and safety issues for the benefit of your clients. P.S. — This tech tip and livestream are very residential-heavy, but we have some external resources if you're interested in the commercial side. If you'd like to learn more about ERVs and dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS) in high-performance commercial buildings, you may want to check out the free Optimized Ventilation for High Performance Buildings webinar on the HVACR Learning Network. There are also several paid courses that dive into the ASHRAE ventilation and IAQ standards, including a course package all about Standard 62.1.
We greatly appreciate Brian Orr sharing articles for the NewsMagazine to reprint, but we only scratch the surface of what the HVAC School has to offer. From podcasts to YouTube to Tech Tips, you’ll enhance your knowledge and be connected to one of the most widely followed technical trainers for technicians in the country. Click on the picture or logo to learn more.
What Is Super Tuesday?
Super Tuesday is a traditional name for the date when a large number of presidential primaries are held.
This election cycle, Super Tuesday is March 5, 2024. Arkansas is one of a more than a dozen states holding primaries that day.
Time Line
February 20, 2024, early voting began. Hours and days vary by county.
March 5, 2024: Election Day Voting
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