Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine March 2024
HVACR NewsMagazine March 2024
Tech News
Never Going Back
In a podcast episode on combustion analysis, Stephen Rardon compares having a combustion analyzer to being able to measure subcooling and superheat on the air conditioning side. It opens up a massive richness of data that you just didn't have before. My confidence in the safety of my customer's equipment has gone through the roof. Now, I can't imagine NOT using a combustion analyzer. I highly recommend picking one up. It will make this next heating season a lot more interesting as you dig into all the different data points and readings and give you a huge confidence boost when it comes to guaranteeing the safety of your customers.
All of the readings for my friend's furnace were in an acceptable range. But later that same day, I was working on another furnace, and my CoaF readings were above 300. I found a large crack in my visual inspection soon after! So far, that is the only furnace I have found since then that I had to shut off for safety reasons. But I did find one other furnace last winter where the gas pressure was very high, causing incomplete combustion and high COaF in the flue. After adjusting the gas pressure, the furnace was operating much more safely.
— Matt Bruner
We greatly appreciate Brian Orr sharing articles for the NewsMagazine to reprint, but we only scratch the surface of what the HVAC School has to offer. From podcasts to YouTube to Tech Tips, you’ll enhance your knowledge and be connected to one of the most widely followed technical trainers for technicians in the country. Click on the picture or logo to learn more.
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