Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine May 2019
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company. Be better than the cable company and your customer will speak well of you. REMINDERS ARE KEY Text. E-mail. Phone calls. Make sure you have the processes and software to make reminding your clients and customers easy. Customers respect and have loyalty for companies that schedule for the customers convenience and then remind them of the appointment. Life happens and most of us forget appointments from time to time. Even our Daytimers and cell phone calendars have occasional problems. No-shows have no malice behind them. Things just fall through the cracks. But even an unintentional no-show still takes a bite out of your time and efficiency – and therefore profits. That’s why reminders are key. Here’s an amazing fact. One Mayo Clinic study found that text and email reminders reduced no-shows at doctor’s offices by 35 percent . If it works for doctors, it can work for your HVAC business. (This article was adapted from an article by FieldPulse, a provider of comprehensive contractor software and credit card processing. Their contact information is , or by phone at 855.981.7900 .)
Yeah, if you train an employee, he might leave you! What if you don’t train an employee and they stay?
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