Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine September 2019
(That did not last long but once was too many.) It just points out the lack of understanding of our mission.
Moving On
Transition &
Down The
We’ve spent years of being only marginally supported in the collection of accounts. Now, we know our Department, Labor and Licensing, but not under whose roof. The Association has asked that the licensing program be under the roof and supervision of the Contractor’s Licensing Board but I am not at all sure if that will happen. To quote one well-placed person, “It just makes too much sense.” Now let me tell you why I have hope. Darrell Bassett, Director of Labor and Licensing, and Steve Guntharp, Chief of Staff, are good folks. Darrell Bassett served on the Red Tape Reduction Committee and gave thoughtful, balanced, articulate comments. Greg Guntharp has been available more than anyone can reasonable expect considering his work load. In my meeting with Mr. Guntharp, I came away with the feeling that he was thoughtful, balanced, and articulate as well. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have concerns. We are down a senior inspector, an office person, a field inspector, and are holding on by the loyalty of our inspectors and the generosity of the Health Department and commitment of Bob Higginbottom our Division Director since the program
HVACR Program Moves to Department of Labor and Licensing Before we start, let’s reminisce down the lyrics of “Moving on Down the Road” by Gary Moore.
I'm movin' on down the road. I'm carryin' this heavy load…
I'm travellin' just as fast as I can. I've got a suitcase in my hand…
Don't know where I'm going, Don't know where I've been. So many places that a man can never see. I'm movin', movin' on down the road… By using these lyrics, it might seem that I view our move as “carryin’ this heavy load…don’t know where I’m going, Don’t know where I’ve been…” Well that might be right except I have great hopes for our Licensing Program. Our load has been one of being underfunded and one Health Department barrier after another. (Though I should say it’s not totally the Health Department’s fault that we are underfunded.) To continue, we’re down several inspectors from 10 years ago. Our inspectors suffered the time wasting indignity of being forced into breast feeding classes rather than focusing on their primary job of serving Arkansans by actually inspecting.
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