Arkansas HVACR NewsMagazine September 2019
began. He will be staying with the Health Department and the Plumbing Program. So, my position is, when the answer to the HVACR program’s delima is so easy to solve, why hasn’t it been solved? Politics, perhaps—and a gosh awful work load. Look, Governor Hutchinson, Director Bassett, and CoS Steve Guntharp. We’re not political. We only get political because we try to make our program do a better job of serving Arkansans with crazy ideas like continuing education. We got political back in 1989 and 1991 to get our program established. We have funded ourselves without a dime of taxpayer money. We’ve paid the Health Department $1,000,000 for who knows what over the past 12 years and now it is questionable if we have assets. Our cars are being viewed as communal property by other agencies and who knows if we own a table or chair or computer or piece of software. At this point, maybe we should have said that “ the devil we know is better than the devil we don’t know” and tried to stay in the Health Department. NO! NO! I have to believe that Mr. Bassett and Mr. Guntharp will have our best interest at heart. They are snowed now and I understand that; but, our problem is so easy to solve. Tell the guys at the Contractor’s Licensing Board to clear those three or four rooms they have available, begin merging the process of taking on the supervisory role of the
HVACR program and “Get ‘Er Done. Hire a director or director/senior inspector. Hire an inspector. Hire office staff. “Get ‘Er Done.” We’re 11,000+ men and women in the HVACR industry, their families and our 3,000,000+ customers. We keep homes and offices comfortable, refrigerated and frozen food safe to eat, hospitals and surgical wards operating. We’re key to the success of every home, business, and industry in the state. We’re as ubiquitous as electricity and more than natural gas. What was once considered a luxury is now an absolute necessity. We would do more if you would allow us the opportunity to prove that the same group that got the law passed can also manage its affairs. We just need you to give us that opportunity. I am positive about the future; but, I am impatient. Please forgive me but this industry and its mission is my soul, my mission, my passion, and my aspiration. Let us help you be successful in your mission of transformation and transition. We are at your call. 501-487-8655
Well, let me tell you a story…
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